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Proteins – The Building Blocks of Life

Proteins are essential molecules that help our bodies grow, stay strong, and heal when we get hurt. They are responsible for nearly everything that happens inside us—from moving our muscles to digesting food and even fighting off illnesses.

Proteins are made of amino acids, which are like tiny puzzle pieces that link together in different ways to form various types of proteins. Some proteins make our skin flexible, others transport oxygen in our blood, and some act as enzymes that speed up chemical reactions in the body.

Our bodies can produce some amino acids on their own, but others must come from food. This is why eggs, meat, milk, beans, and nuts are importantthey contain the proteins our bodies need to function properly.

But how does our body know which proteins to make? The DNA provides the instructions! Inside every cell, DNA contains the code that tells the body exactly which proteins to produce and in what order. Special enzymes read this code and assemble the amino acids like building blocks to create the proteins our body needs.

Without proteins, life as we know it wouldn’t be possible. They are the workers of our body, making sure everything runs smoothly and keeping us healthy!

If you want to know how the DNA is used in biotech then visit us again in February!!



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